A Couple of Lessons From the Dead Sea

A Couple of Lessons from the Dead Sea

This year was my fourth trip to Israel. Each time my experience in the Dead Sea has been different and this year’s trip was no exception. But I first want to share my first experience.

It was 2009 and while we were on the bus the guide was giving us warnings of things/actions NOT to do in the Dead Sea. As well as instructions on what to do if any of those things happened. Here’s the list of don’t dos: don’t put or get your face – your head in the water and don’t splash (a little or a lot). The reason for this is because of the salt density or concentration; it is over 34%. The instructions, if any of those things happened, were do not open your eyes, do not rub your eyes and get help to the pressure showers on the beach to get the salty water washed off thoroughly if necessary you will be taken for medical care. The guide also stated if you know how to swim you can not do what you think you should be able to do in the Dead Sea.

As we got off the bus I was praying, asking God, “How am I supposed to do this? I normally walk out into the water and just start swimming; putting my face in; swimming underwater and the such. I don’t know how I’m to do this Poppa.” He so gently said, “Treat the Dead Sea as My Word, Nancy. Simply walk out in it, respect it and as you do you will go deeper as you get deeper and deeper the sea – the water will hold you up.” That has been 14 years ago and I can still hear His Words to me today as fresh as they were then.

I walked out into the Dead Sea and just as He said the water held me up. I only had to walk out into it not fretting or worrying just simply walk. (If you’re walking you may not know it but you’re trusting.) The water was so clear that day. You could see all the way to the bottom. And at it’s deepest it is over 900 feet deep. In 2009 where we went into the Dead Sea there wasn’t any sections roped off so there wasn’t anything saying how far you could go out into the Dead Sea. I don’t know exactly how far I went but I do know it was a very long way out. I set up right like I was riding a bicycle. And my feet were actually moving as if riding a bike. I used my hands underneath the water as if treading water slowing to help guide me and not splash even a little. It was beautiful to look at and such a beautiful experience; I was way out there just me, my ELOHIM and His creation. At one point, I looked back at the shore and saw one of the leaders waving me back to the beach. I didn’t realize I had gone so far out. Oh how my heart swells even now as I relive that experience and hear the Words of my Poppa, “Treat the Dead Sea as My Word, Nancy. Simply walk out in it, respect it and as you do you will go deeper as you get deeper and deeper the sea – the water will hold you up.” Oh Poppa, I pray that Your people will hunger for Your Word and desire to walk farther and farther and deeper and deeper into it. When we do we are being held by You, walking with You,  getting to know You, trusting You and loving You more and more. Poppa, we can’t go into the Dead Sea saying, “No, I’m going to do it my way”. And humanity can not go into Your Word saying, “No, I’m going to do it my way.” Oh my Holy God, why would anyone want to choose the way of destruction and death – eternal separation from You?

Now let’s fast forward to 2023. I hadn’t been to Israel at this point since 2014. When we arrived at the Dead Sea the place where we were getting off the bus was so crowded. There were many shops and it was loud. The other times the atmosphere was much different; calmer. It’s hard for me to put the way the atmosphere felt into words. All I know for sure is the heaviness – pressure I felt in my heart. A team member came to me and asked me if I would be her Dead Sea buddy. I said, “Sure.” The reason she asked me is because she knew I had been before. Once we changed clothes and got to the beach it was crowded but it felt calmer. The beach was a lot different. There was a dock that went out into the water and there was a rope to indicate how far we could go. I don’t know this for sure but I believe there are at least a couple of reasons the dock and the rope were placed and I’ll share one now and the other one later. First one is the water level was down A LOT. Instead of using the dock which had a ladder to climb down into the water. I decided to do as I had always done in times past, just simply walk out into the water. My teammate aka Dead Sea Buddy went with me. As we walked to the water I was talking to her about the concerns she had and let her know, “the water will hold you up.” As we made our way to the water I noticed VERY soft places on the beach; to the point of feeling like it was turning into quick sand. I want to make you aware, as you read this keep in mind that around 10 months prier I had broken my left leg in 2 places not to mention the injuries to my ankle and knee and had been released from the doctor for about 5 months.

As I started walking into the water my Dead Sea buddy was just behind me. We had gotten about knee high in the water when I took a step with my left leg and it sunk up to my shin. When this happened it caused me to stumble and I hit a large rock with my right leg that also caused me to stumble with my left leg still stuck. My Dead Sea buddy reached out to catch me. Thankfully I was able to get my balance and get my leg unstuck. When my Dead Sea buddy reached out I did not reach for her hand. She asked me if I was ok and I said, yes. Truthfully she didn’t know it but my heart jumped into my throat as I was concerned I may have reinjured my left leg. (She didn’t know I had recently broken it.) Thankfully I didn’t reinjure my left leg just an abrasion on my right leg from the rock and yes it burned for a little while – salt water will do that.

As we continued walking into the Dead Sea, I asked my Dead Sea buddy, “Do you know why I didn’t take your hand?” She said, “No. I don’t. I was trying to help you.” I told her, “I know you wanted to help me, however think about this. If I had grabbed your hand when I was off balance and fallen I could have quite possibly made you fall into the salty water as well. Then you couldn’t help me and I couldn’t help you to the pressure showers. Sometimes we have to allow and even watch someone fall so we can lead them to the water to be cleaned.” When those words came out of my mouth it was as if Holy Spirit struck my heart with a lighting bolt. I hadn’t prayed about that or asked Him anything in regards to that subject matter but doggone there it was. I don’t know if my Dead Sea buddy was going through something of that nature or not. This I do know it will stay with me forever.

While we were out in the Dead Sea if we could have reached or gotten to the bottom we would have been over our heads. We were enjoying ourselves and having a great time with our other teammates. I had noticed the wind blowing really hard all day but didn’t really give it any thoughts in regards to the Dead Sea. I soon learned the wind can be a factor that should be considered because I realized I was drifting farther and farther away from the rest of the group. I tried my “bicycle technique” to get to the dock but it didn’t work. I had to roll over onto my back leaving my arms under the water as I did strokes bringing my hands up my side; straight above my head; then stroke the length of my arms down to the side of my body all without bringing my arms out of the water so I did not create a splash. Doing this I was able to make my way to the dock. Shortly after that me and my Dead Sea buddy got out of the water.

Now here’s the second reason for the dock and the rope: when you are in the Dead Sea you are like the bobber. You know the float that goes on a fishing line. Bobbers must go the direction of the current of the water/the wind. And in our case the very strong winds were a huge factor. We as God’s people must always be aware of our surroundings. I had noticed the wind yet didn’t consider it important. Holy Poppa, when You make me/us aware of anything. I don’t want to dismiss it as unimportant. If it is important enough for You to make me aware of it it is important enough for me to stop and consider and talk to you about. I don’t want to ever disregard anything you bring to my attention. I understand now how it could be the difference between life and death. What I see as insignificant could be the difference between life and death in someone’s life. Oh God bring discernment to maturity in my life.

I hope you are able to take these lessons from the Dead Sea and apply them or connect them some way in your life. You don’t have to go to the Dead Sea to learn them nor to apply them. I know for me, I did not leave those lessons at the Dead Sea I bring them with me everywhere I go.

Written by: Nancy Sherrill

© 2023

About Know God Deeper

God has blessed me with a wonderful family I love very much. I love God with all my heart, mind, and strength. He is my Creator and my Refuge. Without Him I can do nothing. He is my Everything. His Word brings Life, Comfort, Hope...to me and I want to share it with others so they maybe encouraged to know God deeper than they ever have before. May we all continue to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ forever AMEN.
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1 Response to A Couple of Lessons From the Dead Sea

  1. Lana says:

    Nancy, those were amazing experiences! I’m grateful you did not reinjure yourself. You are truly loved!

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